What's Going On at Literary Gold?

 Hi book friends!

You may have noticed a lack of posts recently.

I wanted to share with you what's going on at Literary Gold.

I've been fighting cancer for just over 10 years.  

This past fall, my treatments put me in an Assisted Living facility, all while trying to get disability approved.

Good news - I've finally been approved!

But the bad news is I'm still dealing with residual from the cancer treatments - and in the upcoming months I will be finding out if I have had more recurrences.

Here's what you really need to know:

My domain literaryau.com expires within a month.

I DO plan on returning to blogging very soon.

You will need to start accessing the Literary Gold site using the literaryau.blogspot.com address.

Hoping to make my comeback and sharing some great reads with you within the next 6 to 8 weeks.

So stay tuned!


  1. Sending love and hugs. Wish you speedy recovery 🙏 ❤️!

  2. Prayers and love coming your way. Peaches and Stoli, the basset hounds, send buckets of healing drool. Thinking of you. (Boys' Mom Reads! & Guatemala Paula Loves to Read)


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