The Shadowed Moon



Elli Morgan

GENRE:  Paranormal Romance



After they took everything from him, Dave Patton dedicated his life to hunting vampires. But he can’t bring himself to destroy their newest vampire prisoner Sarah—a young woman with a tragic past, who awakens forbidden desires in him.

Sarah McAllister spent her childhood in the hands of ruthless vampires aiming to turn her into a perfect soldier. To take revenge, she hides her true strength and surrenders to a group of hunters, hoping her knowledge will help them bring all monsters to justice.

When the hunters’ compound is attacked, Sarah has to reveal her powers to protect them from certain death. How will Dave react when he learns the truth? And how much will she have to sacrifice to defeat her tormentors?

Enjoy an Excerpt:

“Okay then.” She swallowed and backed away. “Come at me and try to land a hit.”

He drew his sword. “Just one?”

“One will be hard enough, trust me.” She disappeared, only to reappear on the opposite side of the hall with a grin. “I’ll give you ten minutes before I go on the offensive.”

“All right.” He stormed at her.

Every time he approached, she glided out of reach. Whenever he thought he’d cornered her, she vanished. How did she move so incredibly fast? After a while, he bent over, panting.

“If you can’t get close, you’ll never touch me.”

“Well, you’re just running away. Looks like you’re afraid to face me,” he taunted her.

She laughed. “I’m not, and I’ll happily prove it to you in—” She glanced at the clock on the gym wall. “—three…two…one…now. Your time is up.”

He swallowed and tightened the grip on his sword. “Well then, turn your words into actions because I’m not running either.”

“As you wish.” She flew at him. With the force of her speed, she pushed him back against the wall. Faster than he could react, she seized his arms with hers and pressed her delicate body against his to keep him from fighting back.

Her soft breasts rubbed against his chest as he struggled against her, and the scent of chocolate and coconut assaulted his senses. She tempted him in more ways than one, and his hands ached to break free and explore her body. A flush of warmth spread through him as he imagined turning their training session into a make-out one. Since this was neither the time nor the place for

such thoughts, he shook his head to clear it.

When his jeans tightened, he knew he’d lost the battle—against his arousal.

About the Author:

Elli Morgan was born in 1991 in a small town in Germany. Although she only started learning English in sixth grade, she quickly fell in love with the language. To improve her skills, she spent a year working and traveling in Canada and the US.

As a teenager, she devoured countless fan fiction and vampire novels. During that time, she also developed the idea for her first two books.

Her debut, The Waxing Moon, won the Reader Views bronze award in the romance category.

Apart from being a writer, she’s also a trained mathematician, working as Business Intelligence Developer at an IT company. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, traveling, and all kinds of games.

Q&A With the Author


Who is your favorite author and why?

I find it tough to decide on just one author. An author I often name is Jeaniene Frost because I really love the night huntress series with all its spin-offs. It was one of the first paranormal romance books I read after all.

I also want to mention another author. Although she never published a book (as far as I know), her writing inspired me to make up my own vampire stories. I only know her by her Quizilla name, RebelGoddess13. (Quizilla was a fan fiction website I spent countless hours at back when I was a teenager.)

What is something unique/quirky about you? 

I’m learning tai chi. Apart from the weaponless 24 form, I’ve learned to use a saber and a fighting stick. Those are also the weapons I chose for the main characters of my first two books: Lilah (The Waxing Moon) prefers using a stick and Sarah (The Shadowed Moon) is mostly fighting with a saber. 

What was your inspiration for writing this book?

I developed the characters and the basic story idea for The Shadowed Moon back when I was a teenager. Back then, I loved the idea of meeting and becoming a vampire—which was the basis for my debut, The Waxing Moon.

But I also wondered what a vampire who hated herself and her kind would do and how she could connect to humanity. This train of thought was the inspiration for The Shadowed Moon.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? 

In the last third of The Shadowed Moon, a side character who played a minor role was supposed to die. Suddenly, that character turned his fate around by acting differently than I had planned. I’d never really experienced characters taking a life of their own before, and I absolutely loved how the scene turned out.

Do you have any other books you are working on that you can tell us about? 

I haven’t decided on a next book, but there are a few ideas swirling in my head. Many of the side characters I introduced in The Waxing Moon ask for their own stories after all.

Anything more you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Thank you for reading my books. I hope they take you on an unforgettable journey. If you enjoyed them or if you have any other feedback for me, I’d love to hear from you!





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