A Favor To Ask...

I have some newsletter business to take care of.  

MadMimi, who hosts my mailings, has decided to jump ship. They will be closing up shop at the end of August. That left me in a scramble to figure something else out to let you all know when I post. 

I’m in the process of getting things switched over to Follow.it. 

They are kind of a pain in my backside (on the admin side of things)  - so if you could kindly do me a HUGE favor - and visit my subscribe page to get yourself back on the list, it would mean the world to me. 

Be sure to respond to the double opt in (can’t be spamming you all, can I?)   

That subscribe page can be found here:


On a side note - tomorrow (Aug 8th) I have my first round of chemo. The following week, I’ll be starting 5 days of Radiation. AND … tomorrow I will also be doing immunotherapy.  I’m nervous and excited all wrapped into one big bundle of emotions and nerves.   I do have posts scheduled to run during my treatment, so I hope you stick around!


  1. Sending you all the love & good vibes for your treatment! ❤️

  2. No worries. Your site is a pleasure to visit. Hope all goes well & you feel better soon.


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