Little People



Clemency Crow

GENRE:  Children's Nonfiction


Embark on a musical journey through time with a captivating book specially crafted for children and young adults.

Through the pages of "Little People: 10 Famous Composers", readers will not only learn about the composers' masterpieces but also gain insight into the challenges and triumphs that fuelled their creativity.

Perfect for aspiring musicians, history enthusiasts, or anyone with a love for melody, "Little People: 10 Famous Composers" is an engaging and educational exploration of the power of music and the extraordinary individuals who composed their way into history.

Enjoy an Excerpt:

Felix Mendelssohn

1809 - 1847

Mendelssohn was a German composer who is, perhaps, most famous for his tune “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”. His family were important members in the Jewish community in Germany, although his father turned his back on this before Felix was born.

His father, Abraham, thought their daughter, Fanny, would be the more musical but at the time, it wasn’t proper for a woman to have a musical career. As such, Felix was the one who went down the professional music route, although it is generally thought that Fanny wrote some of Felix’s compositions.

Felix started learning piano with his mother when he was 6 years old. His first public appearance in a concert was when he was 9. By time the time he was 13, he had written 12 symphonies and he had his first piece of music published in that year. He met a famous writer, Goethe, when he was young and Goethe was very impressed with his ability. Felix later put some of Goethe’s poems to music.

In 1832, Felix hoped to be appointed as the conductor of a famous orchestra but people voted against him. However, this started a good period in Felix’s life where he became a musical director, earning his f irst pay as a musician.

As well as his compositions, Felix is also famous for starting the Leipzig Conservatory, a prestigious music school.

Mendelssohn started writing music when he was very young. He started playing piano when he was six.  

About the Author:

Clemency is a primary school teacher, children’s author, and illustrator, based in rural Caithness with her family and two needy spaniels. In fact, Clemency is typing this one handed, because Jess cries if she isn’t stroked for five seconds.

When she isn’t writing, Clemency loves designing new parts of her garden, trying to find plants that will withstand the 70mph winds that are likely to batter them. She is oftentimes to be found tearing her hair out at the prevalence of ground elder in the flower borders, while cultivated species struggle to survive.

Clemency’s favourite genre to write, and read, is fantasy adventure. This gives her ample opportunity to put her long suffering characters in perilous situations.


Q&A With the Author:

Who is your favorite author and why?

Well, I come from a family of authors. My sisters, brother, and mum are all authors! So, with a caveat that they are (of course!) my ultimate favourites, my non-related favourite would probably be Lari Don. When I was little, Alan Garner would have topped the list, but what was going on with his sequel to the Moon of Gomrath?!

Lari Don writes middle grade fantasy adventure - my favourite genre. I just love the myths and legends that she weaves into her stories. They are one of the few books I will read again and again. She’s also a really lovely person. I invited her to visit my class a few years ago and it was great to see her in action! The kids all loved her, and asked so many questions.


What is something unique/quirky about you?

Oooh, that’s super tricky! I actually had to ask for help with this one, and I got two answers: I’m always covered in mud (apparently!) and I can work with both children and animals (although both are exhausting at times!). This is evidently how my sister sees me!

What was your inspiration for writing this book? 

My sister is a music teacher, and I wrote this book for a Christmas present for her and another sister. We all love music, and performing together. I write most of my books as Christmas presents, usually a couple of years before they make their way into the big wide world! I find imagining people’s faces and reactions when they open their parcels on Christmas Day is motivation enough to finish even the trickiest of books.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? 

The illustrations! The Little People style (giant heads, tiny bodies) is something I did when I was much younger because I never used to be great at drawing. Now, it’s just become a fun way of illustrating! Years after starting Little People, I’ve taught myself how to create digital artwork which is definitely my favourite medium! It’s the most forgiving of all art, as mistakes are hastily solved with a simple Ctrl + z! This is my first Little People book, but I’m planning a couple more. Maybe you could give me some ideas? What should I do next? Famous Scientists? Kings and Queens?

Do you have any other books you are working on that you can tell us about? 

Well, I should be editing the next installment of my middle grade fantasy trilogy. But, you know… editing is a necessary evil and if I can put it off, I will! I do, however, have some readers who keep reminding me that I promised this next book so I should really buck up my ideas and get down to it. The book, “Doorway to the Sunset” follows my characters from my debut novel, “Taking Wing”: a group of guardians who can turn into birds with a simple thought. Unfortunately, for them and everyone, two tribes of guardians have been at war for centuries which is taking its toll on everybody and everything around them!

Anything more you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Well, thank you for reading this interview! I hope you enjoyed reading my answers as much as I enjoyed writing them. Please get in touch if you have any ideas about which Little People book I should do next! 

While we continue to upload “Famous Composers” to Amazon, the paperback is available from the Crowvus shop:


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Clemency Crow will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. We appreciate you hosting today! Thank you.

  2. What a great Christmas present to give.

  3. Awesome new non fiction. Children will love it.

  4. My grandson would love this. He has played the violin since he was 4.


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