Next Stop, Boston

by Iris Dorbian

GENRE: Contemporary Fiction

Sixteen-year-old Geri Randall's life is turned upside down when her late sister's fiance, Dez Deacon, a washed-up rock star, is named her guardian. Whisked away from the only life she knew and taken on a rock and roll tour, Geri is initially desperate to win Dez's approval. That desire hits a sour note when Dez's treatment of her becomes too much to bear. What ensues is a battle of wills between her and her temperamental guardian, a collision course that will push Geri to do the unthinkable to get what she wants.

Enjoy an Excerpt:

Her skinny fingers rippled across the strings. She played a G chord, one of the few chords he’d taught her in between gigs. She plucked it again, the twangy sound vibrating in her ears.

It was part of her nightly backstage ritual. Most important was polishing and cleaning his guitar.

He was persnickety in the way he liked it. Lately, she had gotten the hang of it, but it had been rough going there for a while, as he was never satisfied with anything he asked her to do. Whether it was this task or another, she could never please him. Not until recently.

She’d thought being on the road would be a lot more fun. She didn’t hate it, but she didn’t relish it either. Time was a blur; it was as if school and her other life never existed, with every day seeming to stretch into an eternity.

She scanned the musty room, and when she was sure no one was lurking, Geri picked up the Gibson again and pretended to play the guitar like a rock god. Tossing her head back, she rolled her right arm like a windmill and closed her eyes, faking the strumming and picking motions.

It was dumb, childish as all hell. But, screw it. She needed to let loose.

Of course, if he saw her doing this, she’d never hear the end of it.

My Thoughts:

Teenage Geri has found herself living a rockstar dream, but is it a dream or a nightmare? Geri’s parents were tragically killed and her older sister, Michelle,  became her guardian. Michelle was a model that was engaged to rockstar Dez. Dez had agreed to the package deal that Geri would be part of their family when he and Michelle were married. Unfortunately, Michelle died in a car accident before the marriage could take place, leaving Geri under the care of Dez.  Now both Dez and Geri are facing challenges adjusting to this new life of theirs. 

I chose this book to review because I have a love for music, and am always fascinated with stories involving the lives of rock stars. The author has done a great job telling the story from both Geri and Dez perspective.  This is a book that adults and teens would enjoy reading.

My rating: 5 out of 5

About the Author:

Iris Dorbian is an arts and business journalist whose bylines have appeared in a wide array of outlets that include Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Crain's New York Business, Business Insider, Buyouts, Venture Capital Journal, Investopedia, Playbill, Backstage, Dance Magazine, Theatermania and Stage Directions, where she served as editor-in-chief for eight years. Her personal essays have been featured in HBO's Inspiration Room, Boomer Magazine, Jewish Literary Journal, Diverse Voices Quarterly, and Gothesque Magazine. Having previously published "Great Producers: Visionaries of the American Theater" (Allworth/Skyhorse) "An Epiphany in Lilacs: In the Aftermath of the Camps" (original publisher: Mazo Publishers) and "Sentenced to Shakespeare" (Sunbury/Milford House Prss), "Next Stop, Boston" is her fourth book.

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Iris Dorbian will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We appreciate you hosting and reviewing today.

  2. Thank you so much hosting and for your nice review. It is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day and week--Iris

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love the title - draws me right in.

  5. I'm intrigued to find out what she has to do. Love the character name, Geri

  6. This looks really good. Thanks for hosting this.

  7. Thanks for sharing your review thoughts.

  8. Love the cover, it draws you in.

  9. I like the cover. It sets the stage for the book.


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