The Un-Diet Diet


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dr. Douglas Pooley will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


The UN-Diet Diet is a health reclamation strategy. It is designed to give the participant simple and effective tools to aid in improving overall health, effectively deal with weight management issues, and to serve as a guide for empowered aging. The program is aimed at those over the age of 55 with existing health compromise. It examines the true genesis of both health and disease through the lens of our evolutionary footprint, drilling down to the essence of what it means to be alive. It is here within the principles which create and maintain life, that we also find the keys to health and longevity.

  Enjoy an Excerpt

Science is just starting to understand the resident wisdom contained within the human body with all its complex mechanisms for preserving health. Let me give you an example.

Through an internal strategy for repairing and replacing cells, called senescence, directed by tiny signalling proteins called sirtuins (we will discuss this in depth a little further into the book), we are naturally and automatically capable of monitoring and regulating many metabolic functions related to ageing and repair—including genome stability, inflammatory response, apoptosis (normal cell death), DNA repair and mitochondrial functions. I am sure that some of you may be saying, “So what? Big words and complex processes, but what’s the point?” What I am driving at is simple. The body is creation’s most magnificent health factory. We were all born with these and many other spectacular health enhancing processes, and they happen without thought or conscious direction every minute of every day you are alive. Really, it just does not get any more amazing!

As for blaming illness on age, although some critical biological functions may not perform quite as effectively at eighty-five as they did at thirty-five, as we go forward into the book, you will witness how these processes most certainly can be stimulated to work more efficiently at any point in our lives.

About the Author:
Dr. Pooley has been in practice over 43 years, and during that time worked with over 20,000 individuals in close to 500,000 clinical encounters. He is married to his soulmate Patti Mugford-Pooley and lives in Lighthouse Cove in Canada. He has served his profession and community in various roles, and lectured nationally and internationally on professionalism as well as the importance of natural approaches to health and wellness. Doug is a former bodybuilding champion and continues to explore new frontiers in health and successful aging.

He is currently in his early seventies going on seventeen.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We appreciate you featuring this book today. Thank you.

  2. This would be a very good time for me to read this as I have recently declared to take better care of myself


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