A Planet to Nowhere


A Planet to Nowhere

by Nicholas Dufresne

GENRE:   Sci-fi

Adrian thought his time as a human experiment was over, that he was done suffering and had finally died. Never did he expect to wake up somewhere new, somewhere alien and far different than he could've ever imagined.

Has he found salvation, or is a test subject all he's destined to be?


When a scouting mission brings Reya and her team to a star sector that doesn't support life, they stumble into far more than they first bargained for. The planet they thought was deserted contains secrets with far-reaching consequences.

Enjoy an Excerpt:

Intrusive thoughts tumbled around in his mind incessantly. He replayed the experiments that had already been performed on him prior to waking up in the strange room. Memories of long hours spent curled up in pain on an uncomfortable cot alongside his cellmates came and went as time crawled by. Recollections of the constant stream of injections full of unidentifiable substances flashed by. He knew not what they did nor why he’d been given them, save that they were highly lethal. He’d survived, but he wondered at what cost.

His final moments before being shoved in the pod fought for dominance in his mind. Adrian tried in vain to push away the memory of liquid entering his lungs and drowning him as he gasped for air that wasn’t there. His breath came in short, shallow gasps as he forced himself to calm down.

Closing his eyes, he tapped his fingers nervously against the floor. His ears pricked and his eyes snapped open. There it was. That sound again. That suctioning, melting, bubbling sound. Adrian’s heart beat frantically in his chest as he expected to finally encounter his captors. He got ready to get up and run. He’d spent enough time as a lab rat. 

About the Author:

Nicholas Dufresne is a Canadian writer from Montreal. An avid reader and lover of stories, delving into the worlds created by others is a passion of his that inspired him to write one of his own to share with the world. Fantasy and science fiction are his preferred genres, both to read and write. When not reading or writing, he’s probably dreaming up new worlds to explore.

Q&A With the Author

Question: What was your inspiration for writing this book?

Answer: I love reading. It truly is a passion of mine. One day, I was reading a story and found it fascinating. Sadly, there were elements that were never explored or explained, and I thought developing them would make for an interesting story. As I continued to ponder what I would like for such a story to include, I tried finding an existing book that contained all of those things. I was never able to find one and one day I thought to myself: why not write the book you’re looking to read? So that’s exactly what I did. My inspiration came from wanting to read a story nobody had created yet and would only exist if I did it myself.

Question: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Answer: Being able to explore my imagination without limits or constraints. Coming up with the story was the most fun part of the book. Writing a novel isn’t like writing an essay or an email. For the first time in my life, I could do whatever I wanted, however I wanted. It was liberating and made for an incredible experience. 

Question: Do you have any other books you are working on that you can tell us about?

Answer: As a matter of fact, I do! A Planet to Nowhere is part of a series and I’ve already written books two, three and a prequel. I’m currently working on book four and I hope to have that one complete within a year. Once it’s mostly finished, I’ll focus on publishing the other ones that I’ve written.

Question: Can you tell us about what you have planned for the future?

Answer: It’ll be hard to do that without spoiling anything! In the broadest sense, A Planet to Nowhere explores human experimentation and its consequences in a first contact setting. The early chapters that detail the experiments are actually among the most important in the series. What I have planned in the future is discovering every experiment’s purpose and following the cast as they come to learn truths they wish were make believe.

Question: Anything more you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Answer: My story is far from over! There’s so much left to happen and I can’t wait to publish the rest of it. It might not be right away, as publishing a book is very time intensive, but I hope that soon readers will be able to enjoy the complete story and every twist and turn that brought them to its end. I truly hope my readers love my story just as much as I do. Stay tuned for the next books in the series! 

Website: https://nicholasdufresne.com/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicholas.dufresne.184

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicholas_dufresne/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-dufresne-1082ab17b/ 

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Planet-Nowhere-Nicholas-Dufresne-ebook/dp/B0CCLFPQZS/

The book will be free.


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