Goddess Fish Promotions



Taking a small break in posting about books to tell you about a great book tour group that I have been working closely with for the past few years. 

What is a book tour group? It’s a group of bloggers that come together to help authors and book promoters get their books brought to the attention of others.

They have a team of helpers that provide the necessary information and often HTML coding to be used (although it is encouraged that you use your own code to prevent being marked as spam)

In the blogging world, bloggers tend to come and go. I, myself, had to cut back for a bit while I was going through cancer treatment. (Side note: still doing the treatment, but feeling much better now, so I can ramp up the different types of post for a better variety)  As a result of the coming and going of bloggers, the tour groups are often scrambling to find more bloggers to help spread the word.

What types of posts are there? There are cover reveals, author interviews, guest posts by authors, book reviews (the book is provided to you free of charge for this), exclusive excerpts and spotlights. 

Goddess Fish Promotions is one of the tour groups that I have been working with. The promotions help you with content for your blogs, and you are able to choose which books you wish to promote. They offer selections from a large variety of genres. 

If you would like to help out Goddess Fish Promotions, they have a very easy form for you to complete, and they will get you started right away.  

Here’s the link to get you on your way!  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9CYJ9G8GQolb2K_IkmUwTqJ9OZIWVLmAueBGIBVgYj6CP4A/viewform

Still not sure? Take a look at their website to see what they currently have to offer. 


Now, I should note that I am not getting paid to promote this tour group. I’m simply sharing their information with you so that you can join in the fun as well. 

Don’t have a blog? You can easily set one up for free at www.blogger.com  (again not a paid promotion)


I do have other tour groups that I work closely with as well. I'll post about those at a later date.  


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