Chasing Tarzan


Chasing Tarzan

by Catherine Forster

Genre: YA Memoir

In the 1960s, a relentless school bully makes Catherine's life a living hell. She retreats inward, relying on a rich fantasy life––swinging through the jungle wrapped in Tarzan’s protective arms––and fervent prayers to a God she does not trust. She fasts until she feels faint, she ties a rough rope around her waist as penance, hoping God will see her worthy of His help.

As the second of eight children, Catherine is Mommy’s little helper, and like Mommy, Catherine is overwhelmed. The bullying and the adult responsibilities together foment her anger. She starts smacking her siblings, and becomes her younger sister’s nemesis. Spooked by who she is becoming, Catherine vows to escape for real, before she hurts someone—or herself.

Catherine finds salvation in a high school exchange program: new town, new school, new family, new persona. A passport celebrity. In New Zealand, nobody knows her history or her fears. Except for her Kiwi “mum,” who sees through Catherine’s façade and pulls her out from her inner safe-house.

Exposed, her sense of self implodes. Catherine must finally rethink who she is.

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Catherine Forster is an artist, filmmaker, and writer living in the Pacific Northwest ... at the moment. Her work and love of travel have led her to six continents, including Sub-Saharan African, the source of her childhood fantasies. She still holds a fondness for Tarzan, but when trekking in the bush, hiking mountain trails, or exploring a new city, she prefers the company of her beloved husband Kevin.

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  1. Bullying takes a life long toll

    1. It's taken a long time for bullying to be taken seriously. Yet despite zero-tolerance programs in schools, nothing much has changed.

  2. Bullying is so dangerous to the victim and everyone the victim comes in contact with. Sounds like a must read.

    1. Sadly, so very true. Even if the book helps just one person, it was worth all the work.

  3. This sounds like a very emotional personal journey.

  4. Happy Friday! I love the cover and synopsis, this YA memoir is a must read for me. Thank you for sharing the author's bio and book details

    1. Hope you have a good read. If you have any questions re the bio, glad to answer.

    2. Thanks for the sweet words re the synopsis! Any questions about the bio I'd be happy to answer.


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