Lost and Found


The Chronicles of Antecede:  Lost and Found

by C.M. Sage

GENRE: Fantasy

Sometimes things are lost for a very long time...and then they are found.

Take Gracie for example, a woman who lost everything, her life, her family, even her name, but now she is a Cathalian warrior of Antecede blessed with powers, which aren't yet fully realized.  Her elder and nemesis, Donavan, finally granted the former professor an opportunity to train a new warrior.  Her joy turns to shock when she meets her great, great, great, great grandson, Henry, accompanied by his wisecracking best friend, Milo.  Henry recognizes his long dead ancestor right away, and it doesn't take the Cathalians long to realize that this meeting was no accident.

Gracie and the warriors of Antecede soon discover that they aren't the only ones laying a claim on their new charges.  Menacing enemies from the South and their hired mercenary assassin, Revilan, the Bowman, have also taken an interest.  Come along with Gracie, Donavan, and their fellow warriors on a perilous quest to protect all that is good and right from the evil that threatens it, and along the way discover what else was lost.


Gracie hadn’t seen Donovan since he rendered her and her charges unconscious, except to sense him speaking to Henry earlier in the day. He appeared to be his normal, arrogant self then, but right now he looked a bit wild. He was truly splendid like an untamed avenger, and she was a little in awe of the warrior coming towards her. Again, it was unfortunate for Gracie that she wasn’t as quick as her little beasties and didn’t think to try making herself scarce. She had never mastered that skill as a mortal or as a warrior. Drama followed her wherever she went. She met Donovan’s stare head on, shoulders back.

He stopped, breathing hard, hands on his hips, not far from where she stood, and now she realized Donovan wasn’t just angry, he appeared almost unhinged, and something else, some other undefined sentiment, which he quickly tried to hide. She caught the emotion with her amplified senses but failed to decipher it before it disappeared. Her elder’s appearance perplexed and confused Gracie. He was pale, and it was no small thing for a man so bronzed to look like a ghost. As if on cue, the wind picked up upon his arrival, and his hair whipped around his face. Donovan held Gracie’s stare until she dropped her eyes because the residual fire in his unnerved her.

About the Author:

Lost and Found is author C.M. Sage’s first book in the Chronicles of Antecede fantasy adventure trilogy.  She loves writing, reading, and traveling.  Most of all she loves spending time with her beloved family and friends...and yes, that includes her furry friends.  Life would have been much less sunny without them.

Q&A With the Author

Do you have any tattoos?  Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?

I don’t ☺  I have toyed with the idea, but I’m not a big fan of needles.  If I did, I think I’d have a tiny one on my shoulder or ankle.

Is your life anything like it was two years ago?

In some ways, yes.  In other ways, no.  I was teleworking most days before the pandemic, so that changed very little.  I haven’t been able to be with family and friends as much, and that has really made me appreciate every minute I have with them.  I thank God for FaceTime and Zoom.  I also haven’t been able to travel, and that has been really hard.

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing since I was a little girl.  I love it.  My workday is filled with finance, spreadsheets and numbers, so it’s so nice when I end the day and can start writing.

What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?

I would tell writers to listen and absorb what the people who have done it before you say.  Some of them are going to provide really good feedback, and you’re going to have to make changes to that work you love so much.  But break the feedback down into what is useful to you.  Be brave and a little ruthless about editing but remain true to yourself and your story.

Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.

The villains are as interesting as the heroine/heroes.  

Visit the author’s website and subscribe to her newsletter at:


Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/authorcmsage

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/cmsage




One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you very much Literary Gold for hosting Lost and Found, my book baby! Everything you did looks beautiful!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Rita! The story and the characters mean a lot to me :)

  3. Replies
    1. You're very welcome Betsy! Gracie and Donovan are...well let's just say I'm pretty fond of them :)

  4. Great cover for this fantasy read. Looking forward to following along with her as she learns her powers

    1. I love my cover! My cover artist is amazing...I don't know how she figured out what I wanted, but she sure did! I love Gracie's journey...and all of the Cathalians...I hope you will too.

  5. Such a beautiful cover, and the excerpt you picked was awesome! Could totally picture the characters!

    1. It is beautiful, isn't it? It was hard to pick excerpts...to narrow it down, but I did love that one!

  6. A great Q & A. I love it when the villains are very interesting.

    1. Thank you very much! I love developing my villains...I am working on the second book's villain now. I've had the third book's ready to go for quite some time :)

  7. Great excerpt and giveaway. I like the cover. :)

    1. Hi Cali! Thank you very much! It was hard to pick just a few excerpts! My cover artist did a fantastic job! Good luck on the giveaway!

    2. Hi Again Cali...just so you know it was me :)

  8. Thank you Literary Gold for letting Lost and Found have at stop here and for all of your help!

  9. Thanks for the great excerpt. The book sounds intriguing. Great cover!

    1. Thank you very much pippirose :). Great name! I love my cover; my cover artist, Stephanie, did a fantastic job in spite of me lol.

    2. P.S. pippirose...anonymous is me.

  10. Seems like an interesting main character. I like your writing style.

    1. Gracie is dear to my heart :). And thank you for the comment on my writing style. That makes me so happy.

  11. Wonderful cover photo really like it.

    1. That is all due to amazing Mooney Graphics! My cover artist managed to somehow, someway interpret exactly what I wanted from my crazy description :)

  12. If this were made into a movie, which actors would you like playing the main characters?

    1. Oh...now that is a familiar question. I was asked it in an interview. I only got as far as Henry Cavill as the male lead, Donovan, and then my mind kept looping and looping on him over and over again. I never got any further lol...now that I have him out of the way, I'll have to work on everyone else!

  13. That would be somewhat of a shock, to meet a descendant from that far down the family line!

    1. That's what I thought as I wrote it Carol :). Thank you for your comment!

  14. I enjoyed the Q&A, great excerpt, lovely cover and Lost and Found sounds like an excellent read for me! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular weekend!

  15. This sounds like an interesting story. I like the cover.


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