Andy Gets Angry


Andy Gets Angry 

Book One in the 'Emotions and Me' series

by Mike J. Masse 

Illustrated by Emily Corbett

GENRE: Children’s, (picture book) Contemporary 

Children can develop the ability to respond to their emotions in a healthy way through the practice of mindfulness. Andy Gets Angry is a great introduction for children to learn a fun and simple breath technique to respond to their emotions. The beautifully hand-painted illustrations provide the perfect landscape to tell the story of Andy and his journey in learning the wonderful skill of mindfulness. Share the book with your loved ones, and help us all plant the seed to be present!


Andy doesn’t like being angry, mad, or frustrated – he hates how it makes him feel. Sometimes he feels angry in his face. Sometimes he feels angry in his hands. Other times, he feels angry in his stomach and even in his mind.

Andy later feels bad about some of the things he said or did when he was angry. He felt bad after he yelled at Bobby, and he felt bad after he slammed the door on Sierra… and he felt bad after the one time he told his dad that he didn’t like him anymore. And that didn’t just make Andy angry. It also made him feel sad.

About the Author:

Mike Masse is a mindfulness consultant and public speaker who specializes in mindfulness-based stress reduction. For over a decade, he has been teaching adults, youth, and children mindfulness skills to help reduce their levels of stress and anxiety. A highly sought-after trainer, Mike facilitates workshops with educators, first responders, health care providers, and others who work in high-stress environments. Mike lives in Stratford, Ontario with his two sons and his wife.

Q&A With the Author
When did you first consider yourself to be a writer?

TBH I don’t know if consider my self a writer lol. I did write a children’s book, and I am currently writing a practical tips and tricks for mindfulness for adult, BUT these books are more about being tools for children and adults to learn how to respond and manage their stress in a healthier way.

What advice do you have for a new writer? 

Write from your heart and find what sparks your fire.

What is the easiest part of the writing process for you? 

Reviewing some of my favourite moments teaching children mindfulness over the year, and then focusing on those stories and techniques that help support children manage their emotions in a healthier way. 

What is your favorite part of this story? 

My favourite part of this book, is when Andy practices his breathing technique that helps he manger his anger. Every page in this book is actually a painting done by the talented Emily Corbett. There is beautiful painting of Andy siting and doing his stress ball breathing, I love this painting so much it is hanging in our living room. 

Which Character was the most fun to write about? Why? 

No doubt Andy, Andy is actually based off my youngest child (Beau), and Emily used Beau as the model for all the paintings. 

Which Character was the hardest to write about? Why?

It has to be me “Mindful Mike”. When I first looking how what character I could create to teach this breathing technique, I couldn’t come up with any one that connected, so I thought I might as well put myself in the book, teaching this the way I teach. I am happy that I ended up doing this as when I do live readings in school or libraries it is so wonderful to see the children react with a “hey that’s you!”

















Mike J Masse will be awarding $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It's important for children to be able to recognise their emotions.

  2. The cover sets the stage for the book! I think my grandson would like reading this.

  3. This is a great idea for a childrens' book. Great for parents and teachers alike to help teach emotional steadiness.

  4. This is a wonderful book for boys that keep their emotions inside like my son used to do. I love the picture on the front as it was almost like he and many kids in my class were. I would love to read with the kids that come over to tutor as so many of them would relate to this. peggy clayton Wishing you a lot of readers while you are on tour!

  5. Awesome book, looks very unique. The theme is relatable for sure.

  6. What inspires your ideas for main characters?

  7. This is a great idea for a childrens' book. Great for parents and teachers alike. Children need to express thier feelings in a constructive manner. Thank you for writing this book. Very helpful!

  8. What is the best advice you have received?

  9. This looks like a wonderful book for kids, dealing with anger.

  10. What is your favorite place to do your writing?

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this! Sounds like such a wonderful read! :)

  12. I like the cover--the expression on his face could be taken from a lot of kids!


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