On the Edge


On the Edge

by Claire Gillies

Women's Fiction, romance

Catherine MacGregor spends life daydreaming her way out of the perils of a dead-end job, and a dwindling love-life. Rather than face imminent redundancy, Cat finds herself giving up her life in the city, and moving to a remote Scottish island for a fresh start.

Unlocking her passion for art, things have never looked better, until the handsome but elusive musician Patrick Flannagan takes to the stage, complicating her best-laid plans.

Cat’s past could be catching up with her at last. Can she unlock her own secrets, and learn to love again, in time to save her brave new beginnings?


Hey, just because I don’t go around snogging boys! I’ve only recently split up with my long-term boyfriend!”

That was two months ago!” Jess cried,

I know - that’s recent!”

No it’s not! It’s not like you’ve been left a widow and loved your husband 'til the end; you told me you'd fallen out of love with Dave a long time before you left. What are you waiting for?” Jess looked wide-eyed.

Cat chewed the inside of her mouth and looked down, unable to meet Jess’s gaze. “I don’t know”.

Just then the phone beeped, making the two girls jump.

It’s fine, whatever the outcome” Cat assured herself loudly.

Jess pressed buttons on her phone, and silently read for what seemed to Cat an eternity.

You are good to go my friend!” Jess wiggled on the bed and held her phone up to Jess to read “Single!”

The two girls whooped and bounced on the bed.

You read that for a long time. Jeez, I can’t believe how much I wanted him to be single!” Cat screeched, then quickly covered her mouth in surprise and embarrassment.

Well, the lovely Kate said he was with a girl for a few years. She was local, but she's now living in Australia. They split up, not sure why.” Jess re-read the message aloud, and they both settled down on the bed.

What now?” Cat grinned at her friend.

Bacon and eggs?” Jess pleaded with big blue eyes.

I’ll get my purse,” Cat smiled and for the first time in a long while, thought that life couldn’t get any better.

About the Author

Born and raised in the Highlands of Scotland, Claire’s homeland continues to be a stream of inspiration for her. A clothing designer too, Claire (Lorna) creates one-off bespoke garments using Scottish tweeds and tartans.

Claire currently splits her time between Scotland and Australia with her lovely Irish husband. She is a cat lover (without the cat) and can be found either drinking coffee, researching the best cake haunts, or watching yet another costume drama!

Q&A With the Author:

Are you a Plotter (one who plans or plots out every detail of the writing process) or Pantser (one who writes by the seat of his/her pants)?

I'm a plotter, I like to know where the story will go. However, for this book - On The Edge, I just started writing. I had no real vision of what would happen, I just enjoyed the process...then halfway through I had writers block! Luckily a friend told me about the Save The Cat method and that transformed how I looked at storytelling, and helped me finish the book! Having said that, when I write now (using Save The Cat), I plan out the main plot but I won't necessarily know what I'm writing by the chapter. As long as the story meets those points then I can relax.

What advice do you have for a new writer?

Write! I think it's very easy to overthink so much that you don't do anything. So write, it'll be crap the first time (sorry), but you can tweak and improve your words. Sorry to sound blunt, but really practice is key. I would also say to read a lot!

What is the easiest part of the writing process for you?

I enjoy coming up with the initial story line and plotting it out. It's like a puzzle, I find I will mull it over in my head for weeks, months even - it's always there in the back of my head. Then a-ha! things fall into place then I can plot it out. Also, it's a chance for me to use post it notes - I love those! They help greatly to un-jumble my thoughts piece by piece.

What is your favorite part of this story?

I love when Cat's friend Johnny shows up on the island. He is going through some personal troubles and needs comfort from his old friend, although when he appears he does complicate things for Cat without realising. I love their relationship and how he brings out a different side to Cat. Theres a section where they both get stranded on a small island, I really loved writing that piece - Johnny is such a rascal!

Which Character was the most fun to write about? Why?

Jess, she becomes a good friend to Cat. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and looks for the fun in life. I found Jess easy to write, I felt like I knew her. I could see her clearly from the beginning. She is who I wish I could be! She's capable and brings Cat out of her shell. We all need a Jess in our life.

Which Character was the hardest to write about? Why?

Hmmm...this is tricky. If I had to say, then it would be Dave. Getting into his mindset and seeing his motives was hard because he has the worst traits ever. He's oblivious and a bit lazy, but I never like to make anyone one dimensional, he is not necessarily bad - just the wrong fit for Cat.

Contact Links:





The book is on sale for only $0.99.


Claire Gillies will be awarding a signed copy of the book. (International) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A remote Scottish Island sounds like such a fabulous setting for a story.

  2. Protagonists starting over in a very different environment always appeals to me, and a Scottish island is as different as things can get for me! Plus, Cat sounds like a woman about to learn to fly!

  3. Starting over and finding love sounds like a good story. Thanks for the chance.

  4. Hi Mary, thanks for hosting appreciate it xx


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