Destroying Angel



Destroying Angel: Azrael & the Battle of the 185,000
Children of Chaos Series
by Kristen Collins
Genre: Middle Grade Supernatural, Christian Fiction


Every angel has their first solo mission but none as infamous as the young Azrael, the Creator's Angel of Death. In his first solo mission he will face the impossible both mentally and physically to prove his worth.

Will he succumb to the sins of the human world or will he overcome his mission without flaw?

**Only .99 cents!!**


I'm a Native Texan, born and raised close to the heart of the great Lone Star State. I was born in January of ‘89 and was able to grow up during a great time. I honestly don’t consider myself a Millennial, and really dislike that title. I'm a part-time secretary and a full-time mother and wife, as well as a Lupus Warrior.
Having Lupus means living my life indoors, and the sun is my arch-nemesis, my personal kryptonite. I want to leave a legacy behind, something my kids could one day look back on and say, “yeah my mom did that.”
Thanks to the encouragement of friends and family, I found a passion for writing paranormal romance books. Anything in the realm of fantasy usually suits my novels and tends to be able to reach a large audience in multiple genres. Most of my story ideas come to me in the most unexpected times and places, such as my dreams. They will plague me nonstop until I sit down and write it out.
I like to explore new types of characters such as Sandmen and Boogeymen, for example. I enjoy creating all the facets of their own worlds, such as in A Sandman’s Forbidden Love.
God has blessed me with success that I never imagined was possible, which allows me the freedom to explore and create with intense focus in paranormal fiction. Now, I know Shifters aren’t real but Angels are another story. So Angels are also a part of my focus and research. I will often sit on the computer doing extensive research on both Sandmen and Angels, trying to learn as much as possible about them.
In addition to fiction, I create Art Journals that are cross generational from thirteen to ninety years young. My goal, with these types of books, is to reach people who need that extra encouragement and quiet reflective stillness that journaling can bring into their lives.


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  1. Interesting plot! I like the supernatural twist.

  2. Thank you for having me here and thanks for featuring my newest middle school age book! This is a christian fiction book and a short read for the kids to stay engaged with lots of action!

  3. Very nice cover. The blurb sounds interesting. Thanks for the chance.

  4. The cover is amazing. I look forward to reading the series.


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