Magical Beasts Series


Magical Beasts Series

by Geoffrey Saign

YA Fantasy

Samantha and Jake fight to save their poisoned parents, and instead find themselves in a battle to save the parallel magical world of KiraKu. The two teens discover they must defeat the Evil One—a diabolical master of deception—or their own world will fall too. Samantha must master the mysterious supernatural staff, WhipEye, and find out if she has what it takes to fulfill the prophecy of the true guardian. In a final battle, reminiscent of Lord of the Rings, the two teens will have to risk everything, or lose it all. For Fans of Fantastic Beasts, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings.

Winner Outstanding YA Fiction IAN BOTY

~ Magical Beasts is now in development for a major motion picture. ~



Guardian The Quest, Book 2, Magical Beasts

A black belt in kung fu, Jake kicks at the woman’s side. She blocks his foot with her forearm. He slides in and chops at her neck.

With little effort she absorbs the hand blow with her arm, grabs his forearm, and jerks him down on top of me. Kneeling on his back, she keeps us immobile.

Her arm is already healing from Biggie’s whip, so like the hyena she’s a Lesser or Great One too. Originals don’t heal like that. That also explains her speed and strength. She and the hyena have to be working for Gorgon.

My vision blurs. I’m suffocating. From ground level I glimpse Biggie shoving the hyena sideways into a tree.

From behind her, the woman pulls out a thick silver band and slaps it onto Jake’s left wrist. She leans over him to stare at me, her slender face hard. “If you don’t find and deliver Drasine to the smugglers by tomorrow night, the silver band will explode and kill your boyfriend. Go to the Smuggler’s Oasis. Kert will tell you what to do.”

Stunned, now I know she’s working with Gorgon. “Forget you.” I punch at her face, but she grabs my wrist. Her eyes harden, and then she looks up.

Somehow the hyena got past Uncle Biggie and it’s charging us. The animal must be working with the woman. Her ride out of here.

The woman releases my wrist.

I croak, “You can’t do this.” I grab at her but her head is rising and my fingers curl around her swinging gold necklace. It breaks off in my hand as she morphs into a huge cheetah.

About The Author

Geoffrey Saign’s love of wildlife led him to write the award-winning fantasy series, Magical Beasts. He often experiences the magic of nature and wildlife while hiking and swimming. He has a degree in biology and has assisted in field research on hummingbirds and humpback whales. Geoff loves to sail big boats, hike, and cook—and he infuses all of his writing with his passion for nature. As a swimmer he considers himself fortunate to live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, Minnesota. See what he’s up to at

Q&A with Geoffrey Saign

Are you a Plotter (one who plans or plots out every detail of the writing process) or Pantser (one who writes by the seat of his/her pants)?

I’m a little of both. But I strongly come down on the side of Pantser. In the beginning, before I start writing, I kind of know the first chapter, the overall journey and arc that the character is going to struggle with, and a rough idea of the ending. I need all of that for the first chapter. Once I get that, I just write and the storyline and characters come to me. About 1/2 -2/3 in, I might jot down a few sentences for the remaining chapters. I love this kind of writing, because I discover the story and new characters just as the reader does. It’s exciting! I absolutely could not outline everything out. That would take the fun out of things. lol

What advice do you have for a new writer?

Write what you love, what you value, what your heart wants to say. That will make your writing powerful for you, and for the reader. In my MAGICAL BEASTS books, I have tons of nature, wildlife, and the questions of love and life choices that the main character struggles with. Those are all passions of mine, and thus are interwoven throughout the story, giving it power and passion too. Find your own process in writing. You don’t have to follow anyone else’s pattern or advice. Listen, but if it doesn’t feel right, go with your gut. Also, your story doesn’t have to be perfect, just GOOD ENOUGH.

What is the easiest part of the writing process for you?

Once I get going through the first chapter, things just kind of flow. When I finish the first draft, the book is 90%+ done. I might have to clarify plot points and edit grammar, sentence construction, scene clarity, but the story is essentially finished. This wasn’t always true. I used to need major rewrites, tear downs, etc. But after writing dozens of novels, I’m better at everything, and it keeps getting easier.

What is your favorite part of this story?

When everything kind of comes together with the plot and characters, building throughout the story to a climax. The emotions I feel often bring me to tears—which I love! In MAGICAL BEASTS my favorite parts are where the characters are making the hard choices, and fighting for them, literally, in life-or-death struggles. Everyone’s life is on the line in the last book, Guardian, The Stand, and they are willing to put their lives on the line. That kind of energy is exciting! MAGICAL BEASTS are fantasy thrillers, with some humor and romance, and tons of action and surprising characters. So the whole story for me is fun.

Which Character was the most fun to write about? Why?

In each of the books, the main characters of Samantha and Jake were always interesting to write about. But the supporting cast was just as fun whenever they appeared. In MAGICAL BEASTS there are immortal giant animals that can morph into humanoid forms, so they are always a bit mysterious, unpredictable, and exciting to introduce and evolve through the stories. They have power, and yet need Sam and Jake to help their world. That kind of complexity was very exciting to try to pull off. Kind of like having a ton of superheroes, who need a less powerful character to help them out. In book 1, Guardian The Choice, I loved Tarath and Lewella, a giant caracal and faerie. In book 2, The Quest, it was the Evil One—who was hidden through most of the book—everyone knew he was pretending to be one of the characters, but no one knew which one. In book 3, The Sacrifice, it was absolutely the Beister, an Old One that Sam and Jake have to free from a magical prison—he’s also a maniacal killer that I don’t want to give away. And in book 4, The Stand, it’s Queen Valera—super powerful and mysterious. But with dragons, Old Ones, and tons of giant creatures, I really loved writing about all of them.

Which Character was the hardest to write about? Why?

The main characters have to remain fresh and interesting and lovable. One of the major things I struggled with was their dialogue in book 1—humor, undertones of romance, friendship, and sarcasm—they’re 17 years old, so all of that was important. It took a while to get it right, and when I recently went back and read Guardian The Choice, while developing the pitch bible for the movie contract, I absolutely loved the dialogue. Very fun to read again, and made me smile. That’s the sign of success, going back to a book you’ve written a year ago, and still being able to say, Good job!

Purchase Links

Book 1--FREE April 12-18; Book 2--99c April 12-16

Kindle/KU/Paperback Series page



Goodreads—Magical Beasts Book 1—Guardian The Choice



Geoffrey Saign will be awarding a $30 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This all sounds very exciting. I look forward to meeting the beasts.

    1. Great, Mary! Thanks for your interest! Let me know what you think!

  2. Geoff the author here---I am excited to be on Literary Gold! Yay! I look forward to any comments, and will stop back later to respond. I'm working online in education, so it may not be until the late afternoon. Thank you for your interest, and for Literary Gold hosting me!

  3. This sounds like a very good book.

  4. Awesome job with each of the covers!


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