Sophella's Birthday Wish



Sophella's Birthday Wish

by Maggi Nicholas

GENRE: Children's book

Here is a modern fairy story about a little girl who has the gift to move between the fairy world and the human world. Her birthday wish comes true when she wishes to fly with the fairies, and so she is able to go on a magical journey with the fairies whilst using her human side to rescue animals and kids in a way that fairies cannot do. Throughout the journey she comes to realize her own strengths as she protects the penguins and rescues the dolphins with great bravery and compassion. During her heartwarming adventure. Sophella forms new friendships and demonstrates life-affirming lessons that can inspire us all.


Make a wish, make a wish!” chanted Sophella’s friends. They were at Sophella’s 8th birthday party and her friends were all gathered round her birthday cake. 

There were 8 fairies on her birthday cake. Each wore a dress of a different colour purple, blue, yellow, green, aqua, peach and red but Sophella’s favorite was the fairy in pink. Sophella took a deep breath and blew out all the candles then closed her eyes and made a wish. “I wish I could fly like the fairies!”

My Review:

Sophella had a birthday. At the end of the day, she asks if she could take one of the 'birthday fairies' to her bedroom. The next morning when she awakes, The Birthday Fairy said she was ready to make the birthday wish come true. Given a pair of wings and a pretty new fairy dress, Sophella and the Birthday Fairy are off to a day full of adventures.

The story is really cute. It's also fairly short, so it will hold the attention of a little one. It will definitely add to their imagination and inspire them to have wishes and dreams.

About The Author:

Maggi was born and grew up in the UK and later moved to Canada with her husband and sons. Inspired by her grandkids, she started writing stories for and about them and is currently working on her next Sophella book, and a book aimed at a slightly older readership about time travellers.

Purchase Links:









Maggi Nicholas will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Very cool cover! I like the colors!

  2. Cute cover. Sounds like a fun read for kids. I think they will enjoy the fairies and animals part of the story. Thanks for the chance.

  3. This looks like a debut book. If so, well done. Looks and sounds lovely.

  4. I love the excerpt and think the book sound really good.

  5. Maggi Nicholas is a new author to me, but I look forward to reading this. I always love meeting new authors. Thanks to this blog for the introduction.

  6. Sounds like a good book. I really like the cover!


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