Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life


Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life (Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery)
by Katherine H. Brown

About Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life

Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life (Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Katherine Brown Books
Original: March 1, 2019; Re-edited and released Jan 2021
Paperback: 280 pages
ISBN-10: 1733725806
ISBN-13: 978-1733725804
Digital ASIN: B07P1P5N2K

Two best friends & a bakery!

Piper and Samantha are in heaven. Well, close. More like a long weekend at the O Heavenly Day Spa.
A few mysterious notes start appearing everywhere, things get uncomfortable. As spa treatments go awry things get dangerous. A threatening message convinces Piper and Sam that they have to find out who is behind all of these disasters. When the smoke alarms go off and the spa erupts into panic, the chaos separates the friends and Piper stumbles into trouble. Will someone help her before it is too late?

Guest Post

Hi readers! My name is Piper Rivers and I’m co-owner of the Ooey Gooey Goodness Bakery. I’m sure my author has already told you all about the bakery and the yummy desserts. It is absolutely one of my favorite places to be, even though baking can be a lot of work when we’re really full of customers.

Another of my favorite places is the beach, which works out pretty well since the Ooey Gooey Goodness Bakery happens to be located in the beautiful beach town of Seashell Bay, Alabama. I love our small town. The cozy shops. The sweet neighbors. The quirky personalities. And, as I said, the beach.

Our slice of beach is completely breathtaking! Fluffy sand to sink your toes into, waves perfect to play in or to sing you a lullaby for beach naps, and warm sunshine to relax you and put some rosiness in your cheeks.

The ocean has always given me a sense of peace. And let me assure you, peace is something that was drastically missing from my adventures in Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life. 

What else would you like to know about me? Hmmm. Well, one of the things you can learn from the book is that I’m a chocoholic, no doubt about that. I probably inherited that trait from my author. Of course, working in a bakery makes eating chocolate a no-brainer. It’s all around all day long. 

Now, ready for a fun fact that you might not pick up on from my book. Because I eat so much chocolate, I actually switched to drinking unsweet tea to cut out some of the unnecessary sugar in my diet. I know, I know. A Southern girl drinking unsweet tea. I almost got banned from society and my Southern girl card yanked. Still, I provide enough ooey gooey goodness that people were willing to overlook that little oddity about me.

I met my best friend, Samantha, in college. Her mother absolutely hates that she goes by Sam. A “proper young woman should not be called by a boy’s name” in Deidra Lowe’s not so humble, egomaniac opinion. She and I don’t see eye to eye. On anything.

I don’t have any pets, taking care of myself is all the responsibility that I’m in the market for.

So, that about sums me up in a nutshell. I’m your ordinary girl living her dream job in a beautiful town. It’d be pretty much perfect if my author didn’t keep landing me in sketchy situations every time I turned around. Oh well, what can you do?

About Katherine Brown

Katherine H. Brown is a Texas author with a love of reading and chocolate chip ice cream. Book lover and weaver of words, Katherine always has several projects going at one time but is most recently occupied with a new baby born April 2020. Katherine loves to hear from readers and often gets input from them through newsletter polls to help choose character names or book titles.

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