Love On the Pier

Love on the Pier
Perfectly Stated Series
by P. Sawyer
Genre: Contemporary Military Romance

I didn’t expect to fall for the mysterious man down the beach from me. No. I was in Tybee Island for a reason. Recovery and healing. The death of my fiancĂ©e left emotional scars too deep to discuss, yet I find myself drawn to him- the man shut off from the world. When my dog gets loose and finds his way into his yard- the chance encounter sets us both on a path of healing and of love. Who thought a dog could save us both.

I haven’t set foot out of my house in six months. The trauma from what I saw in Iraq has left me scarred and emotionally drained- until I meet her. A chance encounter when her dog wanders into my yard leaves me yearning to know her, discover her secretes, and find out what left the darkness in her eyes. Maybe just maybe she can heal me in the process.
Can love overcome loss and save them both?

**Only .99 cents!!**

P. Sawyer is a romance author that loves to read as much as she loves to write! Fascinated with bringing the "real" version of love to readers, P. strives to show how messy love can be and how happily ever afters aren't always what they seem.
P. grew up in New England and currently lives with her husband, two children and dog in CT. When she is not creating less than perfect love stories, she can be found reading or watching Hockey.

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  1. The cover remind me of walks I have taken. Thanks for the post.

  2. Sounds like an inspiring and sweet romance read.

  3. Nice cover. It sounds like a good read. I like the military and dog part of the blurb. Thanks for the chance.

  4. I love the sweet cover and enjoyed the review.

  5. Double Cross book series is a favorite series of mine. I also loved P. Sawyer's The Space Between Us and Taffy & Tides: An Outer Banks Novella.


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