Short Stories of Love and Entanglement


Short Stories of Love and Entanglement
by Andy Houstoun
Genre: Contemporary Romance

A short collection of hauntingly beautiful love stories.
"It has a lovely kind of jazz storytelling feel that I've never encountered" Audio podcast Tall Tale TV.
"Andy Houstoun’s stories of love feel so real they hurt – and heal!" Kelly Mack McCoy, author of Rough Way to the High Way.
"The prose aches; it is felt" Expat Press.
"This is beautiful. I love having my heart broken perfectly" Elizabeth Victoria Aldrich, author of Reckless Little Things.

Andy Houstoun is a philosophy teacher. He lives in England with his wife and four children. His short stories have been published in a range of magazines based in Australia, the USA and the UK.

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  1. I like to read short stories. Easier to digest in such a fast-paced world. These sound like they would be good ones to read.

  2. Thanks Kari. I appreciate your encouragement. : )

  3. Interesting cover. It sounds like some very heart touching stories. Thanks for the chance.

    1. Thanks Lynn. The cover is a painting of 'Blondie' who inspired most of the stories.

  4. I don't read a lot of short stories, but these do sound interesting.

    1. Yeah, the good thing about short stories is they don't take long to read. Quite a few of them in the book are linked in different ways. It's only 140 pages long altogether but people say the stories stay with them. : )

  5. This is showing some great reviews. Sounds like good reads.

  6. Thanks. It was originally written as a 'How to write short stories' book. I then realized that there was a market for the short stories by themselves. 'How to write short stories of Love & Entanglement' is still available, but this version has got a couple of extra stories that were recently published in magazines. Thanks for your interest.


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