The Hideous Garden

The Hideous Garden
Mara of the League Book 3
by Thomas M. Kane
Genre: Fantasy

After surviving a fiery assassination attempt, the League’s honorable new ruler resolves to end a twenty-five-year war. Mara, now director of the League’s spy service, warns that he is walking into a trap. As Mara argues for increasingly ruthless policies, she must ask herself whether she likes the person she has become.

This is a story of intrigue and military strategy, set in a low fantasy world. It is also a story of a political marriage which could be more.

The Rebels of Caer City
Mara of the League Book 2

Throughout five years at a strict boarding school, Mara has turned to her friend Annie-Rose for comfort. Now Annie has disappeared. Mara teams up with two other students – bold Gretchen and soft-spoken Ginny -- to find her missing friend. Together, Mara, Gretchen and Ginny take on a conspiracy involving some of the most dangerous people in their world.


The Witches of Crannock Dale
Mara of the League Book 1

When an enemy army threatens eleven-year old Mara’s home, she makes up her mind to save her family, one way or another. But when the knights protecting her village arrest her favorite aunt for witchcraft, she discovers that the difference between friend and foe may not be as obvious as she once thought.

This is a story of war and espionage, set in a low fantasy world. It is also about a child getting to know her mother and father in a new way.

Thomas M. Kane is a fantasy author living high on a wooded hilltop. He taught international relations at a British university for close to twenty years and brings his insights concerning real-life war and politics into his fiction. He takes a character-based approach to writing, paying attention to his protagonists' personal relationships and inner lives.

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  1. I can see children enjoying these books. The covers give a good sense of the story.

    1. So honored you should say so! I really admire artist Robin Birrell's ability to tell a story with a picture. The books are for all ages -- there is a little mature content, but with parental approval, I think kids would be fine. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Sounds like a very exciting fantasy world to dive into.

    1. So pleased you should say so! Hope you give it a try!

  3. This series really appeals to me. This is the sort of story I'd love to tell if I had any writing talent to speak of.

    1. So honored you should say so! I hope you give the series a try! Also hope you give writing a try, if that's something you'd like to do!

  4. This looks intriguing. I love the cover.

    1. Thank you so much! My artist (Robin Birrell) is the best!

  5. nice covers with interesting blurbs. I like that it is a series. Thanks for the chance.

    1. So pleased! Glad you like the series concept!

  6. The Rebels of Caer City has the best cover in the series.

    1. Thank you! I really like that one too. Curiosity -- why did you choose it as the best?

  7. This sounds like a great series, I love the covers.

    1. So honored you should say so! Really hope you choose to read it!

  8. Huge thanks to Literary Gold for hosting the Mara of the League blog tour! BTW -- I see what you've done using the chemical symbol for gold in your URL. Clever!


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