Into The Devil's Den



Into the Devil's Den - Snared by Their Own Lies

by Ellen W. Martin 

GENRE: Suspense Thriller

For twenty-years Sam Steele lived with a lie gnawing at his conscience — for twenty-years his only child believed her mother was dead. Without warning his ex-wife springs from the ashes of the past and reaches out to him in his capacity as a veteran Immigration Custom Enforcement agent.

When Sam’s ex dumps a father’s living nightmare into his lap, he must choose between doing his duty as a law enforcer and jeopardizing his cherished relationship with his daughter. Circumstances beyond his control leave him no choice. Before he can seek forgiveness, TERRI ANNE disappears. Sam neglects his duties as an ICE agent and becomes obsessed in finding her. In the wake of his search he unravels a trail of murder, illegal Green Card marriages, and unveils a jihadist’s plot to launch a terror attack on American soil.

INTO THE DEVIL’S DEN – SNARED BY THEIR OWN LIES weaves a tangled tale of suspense, murder, and treachery. Each twisted circumstance is triggered by that one well-intended lie Sam Steele told his child — a lie that mushrooms into several more falsehoods and leaves multiple lives dangling by a single thread. The daunting task of facing the truth and the race against time pushes ICE agent Sam Steele’s integrity to the limit.


He moved through the short entryway into the living room. The sofa was turned on its side, ripped open, stuffing scattered across the floor. His muscles tensed as he slid his finger close to the trigger. “Detective, talk to me.” 

Sam edge his way along the wall to the next doorway; he took a deep breath, and then flung himself around the corner to stare down a refrigerator. The room reeked of stale beer and bourbon. The trashcan oozed with leftover cans and bottles. Strewn across a dinette table and on the floor was several days’ worth of newspapers. Either this guy had had one hell of a party or something was deadly wrong. Maybe he should stop now, return to the car, and call the cops. The last thing he needed was more trouble. 

Sam moved down a narrow hallway; floorboards creaked under his weight. When he reached a room at the end of the hall, he fumbled for a wall switch, flipped it on. A dull beam spotlighted a mattress flipped off the frame and ripped to shreds. Every drawer was opened; papers, books, and clothes lay scattered across the floor; his palms bled sweat. Warning bells blared in his head. Get out of here. Get out of here now! 

Then he saw it — a foot protruding from the closet. He eased the door wider with his toe. A four-drawer file cabinet lay on top of an enormous man.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

A proud wife of a retired Air Force officer, mother of one son and grandparent of three grandchildren, Ellen, didn’t start writing until retirement years, and even then she considered writing a hobby.  In 2019 she published a historical fiction, SONS OF CUBA, a two book series.  INTO THE DEVILS DEN is her third publication.  During the early months while COVID-19 was wreaking havoc through the nation and around the world, she took the opportunity to write another suspense thriller entitled SHATTERED LOYALTIES which she hopes will be published and released sometime in 2021.

The Martin’s call the snow-white beaches and emerald waters near Northwest Florida home.  

Buy Links:





Ellen W. Martin will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Edgar. I hope you'll get a chance to add my books to your reading list.

      Ellen Martin

  2. Thank you for hosting my new release INTO THE DEVIL'S DEN - Snared by Their Own Lies. I'll be off and on my computer today so if any of your followers have questions, please feel free to ask.

    Ellen Martin

  3. Good Morning Literary Gold and followers. I hope you find my new release intriguing and add it to your reading list. I also want to thank Literary Gold for hosting my book tour of INTO THE DEVIL'S DEN - Snared by their Own Lies. I'll be off and on my computer today, so if you have questions, please feel free to ask.

    Ellen Martin

  4. I liked the excerpt, thank you for sharing.

  5. Nice cover. The blurb sounds good. My type of read. Thanks for the chance.

  6. Thrillers are always exciting to read. Looking forward to this.

  7. Literary Gold, it was so great to hear from several of your blog followers today about my new release INTO THE DEVIL'S DEN - Snared by Their Own Lies. Thank you so much for hosting my book today.

    Ellen Martin

  8. I love the cover and think the book sounds great.

  9. The blurb certainly makes it sound as if it is not a good idea to lie to your kids!


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