

Dreams of the Past and Future End-Time Visions 
by Hadassah Cohen 
Genre: Non-Fiction 

Through the years God has given me many dreams. And many have been about the end times. Through my dreams and my studying, I have observed and seen God's Word unfold in miraculous ways. I have experienced joy, sadness, and some uncertainty in my dreams. God has also answered many questions that I have had about the things to come on this earth. I am sharing my dreams with you in hopes that I can encourage one soul to get themselves together because Jesus is coming soon. I hope that souls are saved and encouraged to obey God's word so that when He says come my people they will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. 

Hadassah Cohen is a writer who wants to alert and warn others of spiritual events they may have had in their life. She's a strong believer that God has his hand in everything, which gave her the courage to write her debut novel, Dreamscape. She resides in the midwest where she works as an assembler making hand tools.

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  1. It didn't say, but is this giveaway only for residents of the U.S. or international (i.e. Canada)?

  2. The cover is amazing and spooky

  3. I love this cover it is very spooky looking

  4. I love the cover art. Really captivating

  5. Beautiful cover, it sounds like a wonderful read!

  6. The cover looks mysteriously good! Can't wait to check it out!

  7. I like it. It makes you look for a good while!

  8. I think the cover looks haunting, I love it.

  9. I like the face in the clouds/stars/space.

  10. I think it sounds really interesting and the cover looks nice.

  11. DreamScape is a great name and the face on the cover is really really interesting

  12. I love the cover and it sounds like a really good book that I would enjoy reading too.


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