Die a Yellow Ribbon

Die a Yellow Ribbon (Pecan Bayou Mystery)
by Teresa Trent

About Die A Yellow Ribbon

Die a Yellow Ribbon (Pecan Bayou Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
9th in Series
Independently Published (April 23, 2020)
Number of Pages: 185
Digital ASIN: B087N2X68V
GoodReads Link Coming Soon

Betsy Fitzpatrick, a local helpful hints columnist, feels she has found her own personal guru after reading a book on organizing. Her beloved town of Pecan Bayou is competing in the Annual Golden Pecan Treasure Hunt in the suffocating heat of a Texas summer. The prize is a cruise out of Galveston, and Betsy’s husband Leo is looking forward to a little alone time with his wife, if they can only win it.


After a curious accident and an unsolved murder, Betsy finds it takes more than a precision sock drawer to spark her joy. No matter how neat and organized it might be, murder is always messy.


Die a Yellow Ribbon features the cast of loveable characters from Pecan Bayou including Ruby Green from The Best Little Hairhouse in Texas, Mrs. Thatcher the dispatcher, and Lester Jibbets the port-a-potty king. Come along and follow the clues to find the Golden Pecan.


Recipes and helpful hints included!


About Teresa Trent 

This is Teresa Trent’s ninth book in the Pecan Bayou Series that takes place in everyone’s favorite little town in Texas. Teresa writes the Pecan Bayou and Piney Woods series, but Pecan Bayou has always been a favorite place to call home for her. Teresa lives in Houston, Texas with her family. You can find out more about her and her work on her blog at https://teresatrent.blog or her website at https://teresatrent.com .

Author Links

TWITTER:   https://twitter.com/ttrent_cozymys

BLOG:   https://teresatrent.blog/

WEBSITE:   http://teresatrent.com

GOODREADS:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5219581.Teresa_Trent

INSTAGRAM:   https://www.instagram.com/teresatrent_cozymys/

LINKED IN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresa-trent-11a9b112b/



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