Seas the Day by Maggie Toussaint

Seas the Day (A Seafood Capers Mystery)
by Maggie Toussaint

About Seas the Day 

Seas the Day (A Seafood Capers Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Publisher: Henery Press (April 21, 2020)
Hardcover: 282 pages
ISBN-10: 1635115868
ISBN-13: 978-1635115864
Paperback: 282 pages
ISBN-10: 1635115833
ISBN-13: 978-1635115833
Digital ASIN: B0844K2Q4D
Caterer River Holloway cooks like a dream and is known on Shell Island as a “finder” of things. Which is why a desperate mother begs River to track down her grown son, Chili Bolz, who’s vanished.

Deputy Lance Hamlyn can’t find the missing man, so he teams up with River. The missing person case boils over into something frightening when Chili’s mother falls victim to a brutal assault. Worse, her dying words incriminate River’s friends in both kidnapping and, now, murder. River soon finds herself caught in an unsavory recipe for disaster.

Despite catering events and the return of her absentee boyfriend, River finds the number of suspects growing longer than her food shopping list. Along the way she befriends a black cat who becomes her crime-solving partner. River must locate Chili and discover who killed his mother before her own goose is quite literally cooked.

Maggie Toussaint serves up a fun and captivating read in Seas the Day, the first in her Seafood Capers series.

Cooking without a Net

 character guest post by River Holloway, caterer, from the culinary cozy
Seas the Day by Maggie Toussaint


 Remember as a kid being thrilled and horrified at the high wire and trapeze circus acts? Sometimes the performers risked their lives by not rigging a safety net between them and the ground. I grew fearful watching those performances because accidents happen.

Similarly, people tell me they can’t cook. They complain that they burn the food or that it tastes bad. That’s music to my ears because I love to cook for people. I’ve catered community events, weddings, funerals, anniversary dinners, club banquets, and more. I hope you don’t think I’m bragging, but it’s rare to have any leftovers from my meals.

People want my recipes, but I explain that my recipes are proprietary. If I gave out my recipes, fewer people would hire me. That would be bad for Holloway Catering’s bottom line.

You want to know a secret? The main reason I don’t hand out recipes is that I often cook without a net. I use all recipes as suggestions, so that I vary the spices and contents according to my taste buds that day. A lot of trial and error go into my specialty meals.

Often I invite a few friends over to test recipes before I roll them out at a function. I had high hopes that the people I fed for free would hire me to cater for them, but that didn’t happen. So I started taking homemade cookies wherever I went. Everyone loves cookies, and they became very popular.

I have loved baking since the day I pulled that stool up to help my grandmother mix a batch of cookies. Cooking energizes me in way that’s hard to explain. I could cook all day long and never tire of it. Having a profession you love is such a blessing. Every day I awaken eager to go…because I’m cooking without a net.

Psst. Don’t tell anyone but I included three yummy recipes in Seas the Day.

About the Author

Southern author Maggie Toussaint writes cozy and paranormal mysteries, romantic suspense, and dystopian fiction, with twenty fiction novels published. A three-time finalist for Georgia Author of the Year, she’s won three Silver Falchions, the Readers’ Choice, and the EPIC Awards. She’s past president of Mystery Writers of America-Southeast chapter and an officer of LowCountry Sisters In Crime. She lives in coastal Georgia, where secrets, heritage, and ancient oaks cast long shadows. Visit her at

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  1. I like the fact that River has a cat as her partner! Now, just because she can find lost items, doesn't mean she can find lost people! Story line sounds interesting.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Irene. I hope you will give this series a try. River is a flawed character but she never gives up! We all need someone in our corner who won't quit on us.

  2. Thank you for being part of the book tour for "Seas the Day" by Maggie Toussaint.

    Enjoyed hearing from River Holloway and can't wait to read more about him in the book. Would love the opportunity to read this book on my TBR llist.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thanks for your comment, Kay. I'm delighted you are interested in reading this book and wish you good luck in the drawing.

  3. Thank you for having me here today at Literary Gold. It is a delight to be able to showcase my new series and my catering sleuth at your site. I was tickled by the ads on the post having food in them!

  4. I like the cover with its bold colors. I'm glad the author was able to write in the cat. The story sounds like a fun cozy read. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes to the author on the new release.

  5. I love the play on words in the title, "Seas the Day" and "seize the day"!


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