#AtoZChallenge : Lady Alice's Dilemma

This post is part of a month-long blogging challenge. The challenge is to start the month with the letter A and end the month on the letter Z.  I’ve chosen the same theme that I used last year, Books from my TBR. I have over 15K books in my TBR. Let’s explore some of those.

I am using my Amazon affiliate links for these books.

Lady Alice's Dilemma
(Regency Belles and Beaux #1)
By Michele McGrath

Genre: Regency Romance
Publication Date: August 7, 2015

A Regency Romance with a twist. Can Alice save her brother from the hangman's noose?
In the middle of her first London season, Lady Alice Sutherland is shocked to encounter her renegade brother, Philip, at Lady Roche's ball. Masquerading under another name and heavily disguised, why has Philip suddenly returned? He was banished following a duel, where he left a man for dead. His opponent recovered and vowed vengeance if he ever returned to England. If his true identity is discovered, Philip could hang for attempted murder. Alice finds herself caught up in a web of intrigue and violence as she helps her brother to fulfil his rescue mission. Standing in the shadows is her cousin, Edward, newly returned from the Peninsula War to take up his inheritance and the guardianship of his sisters following his father's death. Will Edward help or hinder her? Why should Alice care so much for his opinion?
˃˃˃ Set in June 1814
Napoleon is exiled and his courier brings the treaty to London but all is not as it seems.
˃˃˃ Violence and intrigue in a Regency world



Award winning author, Michele McGrath, was born on the beautiful Isle of Man in the middle of the Irish Sea. She has lived in California, Liverpool, France and Lancashire before returning home. Living in Paris and Grenoble taught her to make a mean ratatouille and she learned the hula in Hawaii.
Michele is a qualified swimming teacher and manager, writing self help books on these subjects.
Although she writes in many genres, her real loves are historical romance and fantasy. She has won numerous writing competitions, had second places and been short-listed many times. She has had tens of thousands of sales and downloads.


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