The Waking of Ghosts
Lost Souls Academy Book 1
by Lilliana Rose
Genre: Teen, YA Paranormal Fantasy
There is an evil awakening.
At the Lost Souls academy, students aren’t your typical everyday alumni.
Rejects from clans, packs, and covens walk these halls, but there’s something more sinister haunting the academy.
A resident ghost has new student, Zarya, on the fight to banish it. Will her actions cause more enemies at her new school than friends?
‘I’m coming for you.’
A message from beyond has Zarya fearful. Her skills are underdeveloped, but as a ghost hunter, she must stand and fight this new evil.
Can Zarya grow to be the ghost hunter she’s destined to be or will forces overpower her and bring chaos and destruction to the Lost Souls academy?

Zarya kept to the concrete path that pushed away the patches of green grass, full and lush from a gentler-than-normal summer and overwatered by the city council. Her breath eased, despite her keeping a fast pace and the heaviness on her shoulders as if she fought off the memories, but they continued to chase her. The park was doing as it was designed, offering a sense of peace for those who passed by and gave the city a chance to breathe, instead of concrete over every inch.
Nature wasn’t somewhere Zarya sought in the modern thoughts of being mindful and at peace. She preferred the high-rise buildings, tons of concrete, smell of heavily polluted air, and buzz of life in its business as well as the tension of how the paranormal lives resided undetected with humans⎯at least most of the time.
Zarya looked ahead to see how much further until the edge of the park. She wanted to get back walking on the sidewalks, the cars rushing past on one side, and the comfort of buildings on the other with people dashing in between.
A swirl of wind picked up a handful of fallen leaves, breathing false life into them as they floated upward, circling in the air.
Her skin prickled.
Her thoughts tangled.
She tried to discern what was attacking her. A ghost? A typical mundane mugging? It wasn’t something she wasn’t used to.
A rush of energy came from behind, but Zarya reacted too slow, side-stepping out of the way. The bolt of energy partially hit Zarya, knocking her to the ground. The path hit hard on her backside, sending a shooting pain up her spine, and her breath rushed from her lungs. Zarya’s mind raced thinking of what had just happened. How could she have missed sensing a ghost? She’d never had something like this happen before. Her skills were reliable, good, and she always had enough time to prepare.
The air chilled around her. It smelled of a rotting ghostly spirit. Yet, she wasn’t sure.
She sat, stunned, hands by her sides, ready to push herself up, so she could fight back.
But no one was there.

Lilliana is an Amazon Bestselling author, who writes romance in the subgenres of contemporary, paranormal, steampunk, and rural. She enjoys helping characters overcome problems, or issues, and the misunderstandings that often plague relationships, to help them fall in love. Whether it city heels being replaced with country work boots, or some magic beyond this world, or cogs and gears and corsets, each story shows how love can prevail.
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I love the academy books and this sounds like a great twist on them. Great plot!