Mysteries and Strange Events by Drew Jones

Mysteries and Strange Events – Nine Short Stories
by Drew Jones
Genre: Mystery 

Mysteries and Strange Events Volume One brings together an evocative debut collection of nine short stories from the author Drew Jones. They are fantastically wide ranging in subject, and includes Jaguar cars, railway accidents, strange salvage operations, commercial espionage, greed, science fiction and ghosts - and every reader will find a favourite within the book. They will all make him stop, think, and question. This amazing mix is completed with some light humour as the flamboyant sleuth – Mr Theodore Halfpenny, makes his first appearance.

This irresistible book will be your perfect companion as you commute to work, struggle through a long haul flight, or just to keep at the side of the bed after a long day.

My name is Drew Jones and enjoy writing about mysterious and strange events. Some of my ideas are derived from my interest in classic cars, military airfields and the paranormal. I normally write in my study in Wales with my Labrador dog Monty at my feet, and many ideas and plots are thought through on our walks together in the woods. There are lots of ideas buzzing in my head, many involving our sleuth Theodore Halfpenny, who will appear in Mysterious and Strange Events Volume 2 - which I hope to start work on soon!
I have really had fun putting this collection together – so I hope you have enjoyed them too. Perhaps you have read them on your commute to work, on a plane as you travel towards your holiday, or as a quick read at the end of a long day.
As with all authors, I would be grateful if you would leave a review on Amazon – it only takes a second, and is always much appreciated.
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