Cakewalk to Murder by MK Scott

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. MK Scott will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click here to see the other stops on the tour.

Bake-off fever is in full-swing and Donna can’t help but have visions of becoming the next great baking star, but the competition is stiff, and someone is willing to kill to win.

When one of the contestants is found dead, a twist of fate puts Donna at the center of the competition. That’s the perfect position to unravel the mystery, but only if she doesn’t get caught in the crosshairs.

The judges strolled to the next baker standing proudly by a five-layer cake dusted with cocoa and decorated with live violets.

“This is the one,” Donna declared and scooted up in her wing chair to be even closer to the television.

Her college-age helper, Tennyson, stroked his scruffy beard in a fair imitation of her husband, Mark, when he was in his contemplation mode. Ten dropped his hand and shook his head. “I don’t know. What about Alastair? He used all those egg whites to make his cake lighter.”

“Please.” She lengthened the word, then gave a derisive snort. “That’s so old fashioned. My great grandmother did that. Judges wanted something new, cutting edge, while still bringing indescribable joy to their taste buds.”

“You think putting flowers on a cake will do it?”

A door sounded in the distant before Donna could reply. Currently, there were no guests in the inn, and she had locked all the doors guaranteeing she could have peace while watching The British Bake-Off Show. Unfortunately, she couldn’t lock out Tennyson who had taken an interest in the program.

Jasper, her aging puggle, gave a welcome bark. It meant Mark was back from his Chamber of Commerce meeting, which he agreed to attend so Donna could watch the show in real time. If she had recorded it, Janice would ruin it by calling her up, telling who the winner was, and would make all manner of comments as if she had actually seen the show. No, thank you.

The judges talked amongst themselves as the tension built. Often, she imagined herself on the show and what she would make to tempt the finicky judges. The contestants must be nervous. Strangely enough, Donna was, too. A throw pillow found its way into her hands, and she squeezed the pillow as the judges mentioned the third and second place finishers. They might have called them winners, but almost everyone conceded there was only one winner.

“And the winner is…” The lead judge paused for a moment. “Alastair! With his lighter than air angel food cake. It reminded me of my dear old Granny and her ability to make every moment special.”

Donna and her friends are all excited about their town being chosen as an alternate location for a new reality TV show. The show is to an American version of British Bake Off. The original location is eliminated as a choice, after local and national news picked up some unflattering stories.

Donna is hoping that she can be a contestant on the show to show off her skills and get some free advertising for her B&B. Of course, many of the crew and other contestants are staying at her B&B.

One of the contestants ends up dead just before the start of the show, and Donna's dream of getting on the show comes true. She quickly learns that reality television is not all that it is cracked up to be, but she uses the time to do some amateur sleuthing to find out who the killer is. A series of events has her looking at several people as potential criminals.

On top of everything else, Donna's son is talking about leaving home to continue his education, and her mother has run off to get married.

Plenty of excitement in this book! I didn't want to put it down until the very end. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and I am certain that you will as well. You'll love the characters and all of their quirks.

I received an ARC from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review with my honest opinion. I give this one 5 out of 5 stars.

M. K. Scott is the husband and wife writing team behind The Painted Lady Inn Mysteries and The Talking Dog Detective Agency. Morgan K Wyatt is the general wordsmith, while her husband, Scott, is the grammar hammer and physics specialist. He uses his engineering skills to explain how fast a body falls when pushed over a cliff and various other felonious activities. The Internet and experts in the field provide forensic information, while the recipes and B and B details require a more hands-on approach. Morgan’s daughter, who manages a hotel, provides guest horror stories to fuel the plot lines. The couple’s dog, Chance, is the inspiration behind Jasper, Donna’s dog. Overall, both are fun series to create and read.

Buy Links: Amazon

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  1. Thank you so much for taking time to bring to our attention another great read. I appreciate it and thank you also for the giveaway.

    1. Hi James,
      I really appreciate you following the tour.

  2. What types of books do you like to read?

    1. Hi Bernie,
      I am currently reading a mystery by Mary Higgins Clark. I was on a biography kick for awhile. I read almost everything, except horror.

  3. The cover is SO super cute!! I love cozy mysteries!

    1. Anya Kelley is the cover designer. I thought she deserved a shout out.

  4. Thanks for the great review and hosting Cakewalk to Murder. :)

  5. Thank you for the review of this delightful sounding mystery.

  6. Sound like a cute mystery. Vivian Furbay jtandviv (at) q (dot) com

  7. I love baking competitions and mysteries.


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