Sing It, Sam by Jennifer Ryder

Title: Sing It, Sam
Author: Jennifer Ryder
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 11, 2019  
Cover Design: Ben Ellis from Be Designs


Jane Rhynehart has a cosy shack in the pumpkin-obsessed town of Willow Creek, and a new job—if only she was able to write like the other women in the local writers’ group. But how can Jane write the perfect romance when she’s never experienced love?
After a lengthy stay in hospital, budding singer and songwriter Sam Marshall ends up as a resident in Willow Creek Nursing Home. Jane soon becomes his guiding light. But how can he be a man for her when he relies on so many others day-to-day?
Will Sam turn out to be the perfect muse to help Jane write her epic romance? Will Jane be the one to teach Sam how to truly live? Does love truly know no barriers?



I was provided an ARC of this book.

I finished reading this story late last evening, I and I have to say that the story left me on a bit of a high. It has a whirlwind romance with all the feels.

The story takes place in smalltown Australia, but it is written in such a manner that it could have taken place in any smalltown in the world. I loved the characters and their personalities and I am certain that others will appreciate their quirkiness as well. Some were painted so vividly in my mind, they had me laughing out loud! One character left me slightly traumatized, but I still giggled at the situation.

A wonderful read. Once you get started, you won't want to put it down until you have finished. My thanks to the author, Jennifer Ryder, for the copy of the book.



Jennifer Ryder is a bestselling romance author with eight novels published to date. She loves to write about boys on dirt bikes, detectives and strong females who aren’t afraid to fight for what they want.
A born and bred Canberra girl, now living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country. Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.





  1. Sounds so intriguing. Adding it to my tbr. Loved your review. 😊


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