#A2Z Book Tour: Author C.E. Flores

A to Z Reasons Why La Yacata is the Place to Be in Any Disaster: A Prepper’s Guide to Mexico
By C.E. Flores

Genre: Non-Fiction

Year Published: 2018

Brief Description of the book:

The A to Z reasons why La Yacata is the Best Place to be in Any Disaster discusses common natural and man-made crisis situations found in Mexico. Not only will you read about which disasters you may encounter while in Mexico but you will learn strategies to both prepare and survive these SHTF incidents. Armed with this information you will be better able to determine if Mexico is your ultimate bug-out destination when things go bad in the U.S.


survivor--a person who survives, especially a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died.

Link to buy the book:    https://amzn.to/2Wsexaa

Author Q&A

Why did this author take part in the A to Z Challenge the year that your book was "given life"?   
Seemed like a fun thing to do!

Why did this author start blogging?   
To share my adventures since moving to Mexico.

Any other books coming out soon?   
Yes, there are several in the works.

What other books do you have available?    

Brief tip on writing:    
Do something interesting to write something interesting.

Where did the idea for this book come from, other than the alphabet and the challenge?   
Mexico is a hard country to live in. These are common disasters that a little preparation might be in order.

What writing goal do you hope to accomplish this year?   
I have several books in the Surviving Mexico series to complete this year.

As a reader, what most motivates you to buy a new book to read?
interest in the topic, relevancy to my life

Why should we read your book?
Thank you for asking. A to Z Reasons Why La Yacata is the Place to Be in Any Disaster: A Prepper's Guide to Mexico is informative, practical and at times, even humorous. Common disaster survival tips are included, as well as information about how to survive in the event of certain catastrophes that are only found in Mexico. Even if you are not interested in the Prepping lifestyle, reading about how our family has adapted to the sometimes difficult living conditions found there, make it a good read.

What is one question or discussion topic which you would like the readers of this post to answer or remark on in the blog comments?   
What is the one most basic survival tip you have for living in Mexico?

blog link:    https://survivingmexico.com/
Twitter handle:    @SurvivorinMx
Facebook:    https://web.facebook.com/SurvivorinMexico
LinkedIn:    https://www.linkedin.com/in/survivingmexico/
Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/survivingmexico/
Pinterest:    https://www.pinterest.com.mx/survivingmexico/
Amazon author page:    https://amzn.to/2Wy5XGK
Goodreads author profile:    https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17853848
Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/survivingmexico


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