On Sale Now! Super Cowboy Rides by Daris Howard

Super Cowboy Rides (Under Open Skies #1)
By Daris Howard

Genre: Teen / Young Adult

Meet six-year-old Tommy Johnson, Super Cowboy and Super Story-teller. Want to build a box to capture wild cats that roam the farm? How about tips on catching a greased pig at the fair, or teaching a stubborn lamb to avoid being trampled by angry milk cows? From the first paragraph, when Tommy explains why dogs are smarter than cats and why he needs a dog for a pet, he wins us over with his down-to-earth and humorous view of the world. With his clumsy new puppy, Tippy, and his troublesome lamb, Nosey, Tommy finds adventure everywhere. However, once Tommy begins school, things get complicated. He gets picked on by teachers and mocked by the other children. And then tragedy strikes. In the process of dealing with his grief, Tommy learns the meaning of true friendship.


About the Author:

Daris Howard

Daris Howard, an award winning author and playwright, grew up on an Idaho farm. He was a state champion athlete, competed in college athletics, and lived for a time in New York.

He has worked as a cowboy, a mechanic, in farming, and in the timber industry. He is now a college professor. He has also been a scoutmaster, having up to 18 boys in his scout troop at a time. In his wide range of experience, he has associated with many colorful characters who form a basis for his writing.

Daris has had plays translated into German and French, and his plays have been performed in many countries around the world.

For many years Daris has written a popular column called Life’s Outtakes that consists of weekly short stories, and is published in various newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Canada.

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